class BaseNode(object):
""" Data structure associated with a basic node
id (int): the global node id
cid (int): the context node id
children (list of int): the list of child nodes in terms of global node ids
parents (list of int): the list of parent nodes in terms of global node ids
n_parents (int): the number of parent nodes
n_children (int): the number of children nodes
n_ancestors (int): the number of ancestral (recursive parent) nodes
n_descendents (int): the number of descendent (recursive children) nodes
root (bool): whether or not the node is a root
leaf (bool): whether or not the node is a leaf
class Node(BaseNode):
""" Graph layout node which inherits the BaseNode object.
name (str): the name annotation of the node, such as "GO:...."
weight (int): the number of gene annotations
depth (int): the longest distance from the roots
height (int): the longest distance from the leaves
root_distance (int):
depth_order: int
height_order: int
flex: int
flex_order: int
queried: bool
def get_position_info(self):
""" Create a dictionary of depth, height and flex x,y coordinates
dict: the dictionary with x,y, coordinates under different views
class Link(object):
""" Data structure for a link
source (:obj:Node): the parent node
target (:obj:Node): the child node
class DAGraph(object):
""" Data structure for a directed cyclic graph
nodes: a list of Node objects
links: a list of Link objects
roots: a list of node ids
leaves: a list of leaf ids
name_index_map: a map from a node name to its index in the `nodes` list
def filter_redundant_nodes(self, node_map=None, roots=None):
""" Apply graph refinement to remove redundant nodes
node_map: a map of node ids to Node objects (optional)
roots: a list of node ids to be the roots (optional)
a map of node ids to Node objects keeping only non-redundant nodes
def create_map_to_context_nodes(self, node_context):
""" Create a dictionary for the context nodes given a set of nodes
Node objects that can encode the information of the updated
height, depth, parents and children in the particular context
defined by the nodes under selection. Relationships between nodes
are inferred from the original DAG.
note_context: a dict of node ids mapping to anything
dict : a map from node ids to new Node objects in the new context
list: a list of root nodes in the new context
def update_intrinsic_levels(self, metric, node_map=None):
""" Update the hight or depth attributes based on the optional context
metric: either "height" or "depth"
node_map: a map from node ids to Node objects (optional)
dict: a map from node ids to Node objects with updated attributes
def find_nodes_in_context(self, node_type, node_context, node_map=None):
""" Find either roots or leaves in a node context
node_type: either "root" of "leaf"
node_context: a dict or set of node ids
node_map: a map from node ids to Node Objects (optional)
list: node ids of the roots or the leaves
def find_neighbors(self,
node_map = None,
restrict_set= None):
""" Find the neighbors of a node within a context or restricted set
node_index: the node id
relation: either "parents" or "children"
node_map: a map from node ids to Node Objects (optional)
restrict_set: a dict or set of node ids to restrict search
a list of (restricted) neighboring node ids
def relation_search(self,
measure = "level",
node_map = None,
restrict_set = None):
""" Perform restricted hierarchical search with a queue
node_indices : list of node ids as the anchor for the search
relation: either "parents" or "children"
measure: only "level" for now
node_map: a map from node ids to Node Objects (optional)
restrict_set: a dict or set of node ids to restrict search
dict: related nodes ids (including the anchors) mapped to measure
def create_node_grouping(self,
""" Given a list of node ids, group their descendants and
ancestors into independent subgraphs for better layout.
There are always some nodes that are in more than one groups
so we want to partition the nodes optimally or greedily
node_list: list of node_ids
context_map: a map from node ids to Node Objects (optional)
restrict_set: a dict or set of node ids to restrict search
list: list of set of node ids indicating grouping
def compute_focus_flex_level(self,
gap_break = 5000,
block_merge = False):
""" Compute the level of each node using the bubble float algorithm
heuristic: larger gap_break yields fewer nodes per level
focus_nodes: a set (or list or dict) of node ids
context_map: a map from node ids to Node Objects
gap_break: the maximum node weight difference between two layers
block_merge: (default as False for now)
None (only updates the Node objects in the context map)
def create_level_node_map(self, node_levels, node_indices=None):
""" Create a map from level number to the node ids
node_levels: a dictionary of node_index to levels (like a context)
node_list: a list of nodes to compute the level map for
dict: (level) -> [nidx_1, nidx_2, ...] (ordered list)
def compute_node_order(self, node_indices, level_type, context_map):
""" Given node ids and level type, compute its level specific position
Uses the the hierarchical ordering heuristic
node_indices: a list/dict/set of node ids
level_type: "height", "depth" or "flex"
context_map: a map from node ids to Node Objects with specified attr
dict: a map from node ids to their order in the level
class OrderedContext():
# index all the nodes in a given context cntx_d.
# cntx_id is a dictionary mapping full context node id to the node
sorted_nodes = None
sorted_index_map = None
# fixed_groups: nodes organized in a particular fixed grouping
# retrieve the maximum number of levels
fixed_level_nodes = None
def boundary_histogram_search(self, level_breaks):
For each level, determine the starting index in that level
If the level breaks are [a, b, c], then the counts should be
[|{x: x >= a}|, |{x: a > x >= b}|, |{x: b > x >= c}|]
NOTE: duplicate boundaries may occur, in this case, this could
be due to the fact that there are nodes of the same size in the
focus graph. This edge case should be handled before (and possibly
after) this funciton is called
leve_breaks: obj: `list`
A descending list of node weights dividers, e.g., [18529, 75, 1]
dict of node indices mapped to their measure
def generate_fixed_level_counts(self, lev_t):
def bouyant_context_layout(self, focus_node_ids):
def format_node_data(self, node):
def output_lite_node_info(self):
def output_plain_tested_graph(self):
class GOStat():
def __init__(self):
def set_test_attr_from_dict(self, in_dict):
def get_test_attr_as_dict(self):
def reverse_list_to_dict(self, in_list, do_sort = True):
def setup_simulation_oneway(self, params):
def get_simulation_gene_list(self):
def get_node_meta_dict(self):
def evaluate_rejections(self, rej_list, nonnull_type):
def determine_non_null(self, gene_ids):
def independent_fisher_tests(self, study_genes, verbose=False):
def independent_binomial_tests(self, study_genes, alpha, verbose=False):
def independent_global_tests(self, gene_pvalues, method="Simes"):
def generate_node_pvals_from_gene_pvals(self,
# the order of the genes should correspond to the p-values
# these genes must be entrez ids to match the gene_go_map
# returns a list of p-values that correspond to the node ordering
# in the Ordered Context
def convert_gene_from_to(self, source, target, gene_list):
def output_ground_truth_info(self, output_graph=False):
class GODAGraph(DAGraph):
""" Data structure for the DAG for GO analysis
cache_dir: directory to store cache files
sim_dir: directory to store simulation outputs
name: name of the dag
go_fname: directory to store the .pkl file for the object
ontology: "biological_process","cellular_component" or "molecular_function"
species: "human" or "mouse"
version: time stamp for version control
root: the root of the entire ontolgy
go_gene_map: map from GO id to a list of entrez gene ids
gene_conversion_map: map from entrez gene id to gene symbol
go_annotation: map from GO:id to the full GO name
gene_go_map: map from entrez gene id to a list of GO ids
context_graph: OrderedContext() object
context_params: a data structure of context parameters
main_statistician: GOStat() object used for statistical testing
gohelper: GOHelper() object used for downloading and parsing the GO
def setup_full_dag(self,
""" Integrates annotation information to the GO DAG
This steps includes reading the annotation files for a particular
root DAG and a particular species, and creating the core structure
for context and focus selection. It also reads and writes the .pkl
files used to load to populate the Object
ontology: "biological_process","cellular_component" or "molecular_function"
species: "human" or "mouse"
version: time stamp for version control
use_cache : whether or not to store/use a cached version of the DAG
def setup_context_graph(self,
""" Create a context graph based on anchor nodes and rules
rule (str): rule to build the context: "waypoint", "root" or "leaf"
target_node_list (list): a list of node names (GO:..) anchors
min_w (int): the minimum number of genes that each node should have
max_w (int):: the maximum number of genes that each node should have
refine_graph (bool): whether or not to remove redundent GO terms
OrderedContext: the Object representing the context
dict: the parameters needed to specify the context
def setup_focus_graph(self,
""" Create a focus graph based on anchor nodes and rules
query_go_ids: a list of GO ids
ordered_context: the context graph OrderedContext()
rule: rule to build the context: "waypoint", "root" or "leaf"
max_descendents: threshold for a node to be prolific
force_all_descendents: whether or not to include all descendants
gap_break: break parameter for the buoyant layout
grouped: whether or not to segregate the terms into groups
dict: the data structure of the graph needed for front-send display
def restore_testing_configuration(self, job_id):
""" Restores the testing configuration for the main_statistician,
It also modifies the OrderedContext() based on the meta parameters
job_id: the id of the simulation job
dict: all the parameters formatted for front-end rendering *
def output_node_power_matrix(self, job_id, test, multitest):
""" Output a matrix of node vs regime with node rejection rate
job_id: the id of the simulation job
test: the method to generate node p-values
multitest: the multiple correction method
dict: a json-like matrix format
def output_summary_stats(self, job_id, test_method, adjust_method):
""" Output the summary statistics used for plotting
job_id: the id of the simulation job
test_method: the method to generate node p-values
adjust_method: the multiple correction method
dict: a json-like matrix format for plotting
def launch_simulation_pipeline(self, job_id, cleanup=False):
def output_non_null_go_terms(self, gene_symb_list):
def output_general_info(self):
def output_context_info(self, c_graph):
def plot_full_result(self, data_dir):