Benchmarking DAG-based Testing: Part I

This vignette demonstrates how to use the API of AEGIS to generate simulation benchmark data. The process is to repeatedly create a random context graph and identify how different methods perform under different graph realizations. To allow for more interesting interpretations, we recommend using different regimes of sample sizes (or effect sizes), and then use the flat file outputs from AEGIS for further processing.

In the second part of this vignette (Benchmarking DAG-based Testing: Part II), we show how to test functions implemented in R (instead of Python) as a use case which requires a different programing environment. Both the first part and the second parts of the vignettes can be customized based on particular needs in appropriate programming environments.

The main script that automates the procedure in this code is provided in, which requires two arguments:

  • cache_dir': the directory where the DAG object stores local data during GODAGraph initialization, and
  • sim_dir: the directory where the benchmark results will be stored.

To run it, simply launch:

In [ ]:
%run {cache_dir} {sim_dir}

Breakdown of the code

Now, we break down the code in step-by-step.

Load libraries and setup the paths

In [ ]:
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
from server.dagraph import GODAGraph

You need to specify: MAIN_FOLDER where there is a local/ directory including the cached .pkl files. As a shortcut, you can download them directly from (e.g., unzip local_20180719.tar.gz locally).

In [ ]:
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s',
                            datefmt='%I:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO)
cache_dir = os.path.join(MAIN_FOLDER, "local") 
sim_dir = os.path.join(MAIN_FOLDER, "benchmarks", "large_20180628")

Parameter Setup

The following parameters are used to setup the entire benchmark. For sanity checks, reduce the parameters: n_graphs, n_reps, and n_regimes. The total time to create 50 graphs rooted within 500-1500 sized nodes (with 5 regimes and 10 repeitions each) should take less than a minute; a full-scale and complicated simulation is typically doable within hours. Note that the current implementation creates a number of small-sized files for book keeping. Thus, one may need to clean up all the files after the analysis is done (or use some of our helper functions to do so).

Ontology parameters

  • ontology: biological_process, cellular_component, or molecular_function
  • species: human or mouse

Context parameters (shared by all graphs)

  • anchor_rule: root or waypoint
  • refine_graph: [default: True] (strongly recommended to avoid redundency)
  • min_node_size: the minimum number of genes per GO term
  • max_node_size: the maximum number of genes per GO term

Graph parameters

  • n_graphs: the number of graphs to draw in this benchmark
  • min_root_size: the minimum node size required to be a candidate root
  • max_root_size: the maximum node size required to be a candidate root
  • min_graph_size: the minimum graph size required to be included in the benchmark
  • signal_type: "single_leaf", the signal is drawn from a single leaf
  • max_signal_genes: the maximum number of genes drawn from the leaf

Simulation parameters

  • sweep_sample_size: [default: True] (strongly recommended way to setup different regimes)
  • min_n: minimum number of case (control) samples
  • max_n: maximum umber of case (control) samples
  • n_regimes: number of sample size regimes
  • n_reps: number of repetitions per regime
  • eff_size: the (common) effect size of each signal gene
In [ ]:
def setup_random_graph_example():
    ontology_parmams = {
        "ontology": "biological_process",
        "species": "human"
    context_params = {
        'anchor_rule': 'root',
        'refine_graph': True,
        'min_node_size': '1',
        'max_node_size': '17439'

    graph_params = {
        "n_graphs": 200,
        "min_root_size": 500,
        "max_root_size": 10000,
        "min_graph_size": 100,
        "max_signal_genes": 5,
        "signal_type": "single_leaf",
    sim_params = {
        "n_regimes": 5,
        "n_reps" : 100,
        "min_n" : 10,
        "max_n": 130,
        "eff_size": 0.5,
        "sweep_sample_size": True

    # output summary"Generating {} graphs:".format(graph_params["n_graphs"]))"  random root nodes in range {}-{}".format(
        graph_params["min_root_size"], graph_params["max_root_size"]))"  random signal anchor ({} with max {} genes sampled)".format(
        graph_params["signal_type"], graph_params["max_signal_genes"]))"  minimum graph size {}".format(graph_params["min_graph_size"]))"Universal simulation parameters:")"  signal gene effect size: {}".format(sim_params["eff_size"]))"  sample size range {}-{} ({} regimes, {} repetitions)".format(
        sim_params["min_n"], sim_params["max_n"],
        sim_params["n_regimes"], sim_params["n_reps"]))

    return {
        "ontology_params": ontology_parmams,
        "graph_params": graph_params,
        "context_params": context_params,
        "sim_params": sim_params,
In [ ]:
all_params = setup_random_graph_example()
g_params = all_params["graph_params"]
c_params = all_params["context_params"]
s_params = all_params["sim_params"]

Setup the DAG object based on ontology parameters

  • Once the main ontology and species are selected, they will remain the same for the benchmark.
In [ ]:
dag = GODAGraph(cache_dir,

Create a list of candidate roots

  • Retrieve GO annotation information (number of genes, full name)
  • Select candidates based on the number of genes
In [ ]:
general_info = dag.output_general_info()
go_anns = general_info['search_dict']
go_sizes = general_info["go_gene_cnt"]
cand_roots = []
for term in go_sizes:
    n_genes = go_sizes[term]
    if ((n_genes <= g_params["max_root_size"]) &
        (n_genes >= g_params["min_root_size"])):
        cand_roots.append(term)"Number of candidates: {}".format(len(cand_roots)))

Main simulation function

The following is a funciton that takes a set of leaves and randomly selects on for further processing.

In [ ]:
def run_single_graph_simulation(dag, leaves, g_params, s_params, outdir):"Starting simulation...")
    stat = dag.main_statistician"Number of leaves: {}".format(len(leaves)))
    leaf_genes = {}
    for leaf in leaves:
        leaf_genes[leaf] = stat.go_gene_map[stat.name_id_map[leaf]]
    g_list = []
    for leaf in leaf_genes: # draw the first leaf we see
        lgenes = leaf_genes[leaf] 
        if len(lgenes) > g_params["max_signal_genes"]: # draw random terms
            lgenes = np.array(lgenes)
            lgenes = lgenes[np.random.choice(len(lgenes), 
            lgenes = lgenes.tolist()
        g_list += lgenes
    # determine the nulls and nonnulls
    stat.method_test = ["simes", ""]
    stat.method_madj = ["Bonferroni", "BH"]"Number of non-nulls: self ({}); comp ({})".format(
    # run the simulation"Saving results to {}".format(outdir))

Iteratively update each graph

Once everything is specified, launch the simulation here. This process could take a while if the parameters are set to be large.

In [ ]:
np.random.seed(11111) # fix random seed for reproducibility

selected_roots = {}
iter_max = 10000
iter_i = 0
graph_i = 0
while len(selected_roots) < g_params["n_graphs"]:
    iter_i += 1
    if (iter_i > iter_max):
        logger.warning("Reached maximum allowable iteration")
    # draw a new random root from the candidates
    rand_root = cand_roots[np.random.choice(len(cand_roots))]
    if (rand_root in selected_roots):
        logger.warning("Graph already processed!")
        continue"Processing root {} ({} genes, {})".format(
        rand_root, go_sizes[rand_root], go_anns[rand_root]))
    # create a context graph 
    _, context_info = dag.setup_context_graph(
        min_w = int(c_params["min_node_size"]),  # int
        max_w = int(c_params["max_node_size"]),  # int
        refine_graph = c_params["refine_graph"], # boolean
    # re-draw root if the context graph is too small
    graph_size = len(dag.context_graph.sorted_nodes)
    if graph_size < g_params["min_graph_size"]:
        logger.warning("Graph too small!")
    # re-draw root if the root itself is redundant 
    if set(context_info["roots"]) != set([rand_root]):
        logger.warning("Anchor is redundant!")
    # start the simulation on a single graph
    selected_roots[rand_root] = graph_size
    outdir = os.path.join(sim_dir, "graph_{}".format(graph_i))
    graph_i += 1